The Lifespan and Longevity of Maltese Puppies: What You Need to Know?

With their soft, white coats and friendly personalities, Maltese for sale are easy to fall in love with. In addition to their cute looks, potential owners must know how long they live and how long they live.

This guide details the things that affect how long these beautiful pets can live. Everything from genetics and health care to food, exercise, and general health issues is essential for ensuring Maltese pups live long, happy lives.

Whether you’re considering getting Maltese puppies for sale or already have one, these tips will help you give them the best care and company as long as they live with you.

Factors Influencing the Lifespan of Maltese Puppies

Genetics and Breed Characteristics

The main things that determine how long Maltese dogs live are their genes and breed traits. Maltese dogs usually live between 12 and 15 years, but some can live even longer if they get the proper care. As a breed, they are known for being strong despite being small. 

Some genetic conditions, like luxating patella, tooth problems, and heart conditions like mitral valve disease, are more likely to happen to them. To reduce these risks and encourage a longer life span, it is essential to breed animals in a way that puts health checks and genetic diversity first.

Health Care and Veterinary Support

Regular medical care and help from a vet are very important for making Maltese puppies live longer. Getting vaccinated, treating parasites, and having regular check-ups are essential ways to find health problems early and get treatment immediately. Due to their small size and possible genetic predispositions, Maltese pups may need special care. 

For example, they may need dental cleanings to avoid periodontal disease and ongoing monitoring for conditions like hypoglycemia, which they are more likely to develop. Building trusted relationships with a veterinarian will ensure your pet gets complete care for their whole life.

Nutrition and Diet

Maltese puppies’ health and longevity depend on having a well-balanced diet that meets their unique nutritional needs. Because they are small and active, they need high-quality dog food that helps them grow, keep their energy, and keep their digestive system healthy. 

Hypoglycemia can happen to Maltese puppies, and irregular feeding schedules or insufficient food can worsen the situation. Giving them small meals several times daily helps stabilize their blood sugar levels and supports their busy lifestyle. 

Talking to a vet can help you determine the best food plan for your pet based on its specific needs and ensure it gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Even though they are small, Maltese for sale need regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. Going for daily walks, playing with other dogs, and playing with fun toys keep them physically fit and their minds sharp. 

Regular exercise keeps people from getting fat, strengthens their muscles and joints, and is suitable for heart health. Puzzle toys, training sessions, and socializing keep your mind active, which keeps you from getting bored and improves your general health. 

Making indoor and outdoor spaces that interest them feeds their natural curiosity and improves their quality of life.

Environmental Factors and Lifestyle

The place where Maltese puppies for sale live dramatically affects how long and healthy they are overall. Giving them a safe, comfortable place to live inside keeps them safe from dangerous weather and other things that could go wrong. 

Maltese are indoor dogs that love being with people. This makes them perfect for city dwellers or homes with always-around owners. Keeping stress to a minimum and giving them a regular schedule can help their mental health. 

To avoid accidentally poisoning yourself, you should also stay away from poisonous substances like some plants or chemicals. A loving and supportive setting makes them happier and helps them live longer.

Common Health Considerations for Maltese Puppies

Dental Health

Maltese puppies for sale have small mouths and a tendency to have dental problems, so their oral health is essential. Periodontal disease can happen if you don’t take care of plaque buildup, tartar buildup, and tooth loss. 

Plaque-reducing teeth chew or treats, regular brushing with a toothbrush, and toothpaste made just for dogs are essential parts of their dental care routine. Regular dental cleanings by a vet help them keep their teeth clean and stop more major dental problems that can affect their health.

Heart Conditions

Some heart problems, like mitral valve disease, are more likely to happen in Maltese pups. Because this disease affects the heart valves, blood flow may become irregular, and the heart may get bigger over time. Regular checkups with the doctor, which include listening to the heart, help monitor their heart health. 

Finding a disease early lets doctors make the right treatment plans, which might consist of taking medicine to control symptoms and slow the disease’s development. Keeping a healthy weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise is also good for your heart and lowers your chance of heart problems.

Luxating Patella

Maltese for sale often have luxating patella, a disease in which the kneecap moves out of place. If you don’t treat this condition, it can make you feel bad, make you limp, and make it harder to move around. Some people need surgery to adjust their kneecap and keep the joint stable. 

Keeping an eye on their walk and behavior for signs of pain, like stumbling or not wanting to move, helps them find problems early on. The sooner they see a doctor, the sooner they can help improve their quality of life by easing their pain and letting them move normally again.


Hypoglycemia can happen to Maltese babies, especially when they are sick, under a lot of stress, or haven’t eaten in a long time. A person has hypoglycemia when their blood sugar levels drop too low. If this happens quickly, they could become weak, shake, have seizures, or even go into a coma. 

As a preventative measure, you can give them small meals several times daily to stabilize their blood sugar levels. Hypoglycemia symptoms include being tired, lost, or very hungry. 

Pet owners should be on the lookout for these signs and take their animals to the vet right away if they happen. Ensuring they have access to food during stressful times and feeding them simultaneously every day can help avoid hypoglycemic episodes.

Eye Issues

Different eye problems can happen in Maltese dogs, and they need to get medical help to keep their eyes healthy and their vision. Regular cleaning with a light, dog-safe solution can help with tear stains, which leave a reddish-brown mark around the eyes. 

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or dry eye, is a disease in which the eyes become dry and irritated because they aren’t making enough tears. A veterinarian can recommend lubricating eye drops that help relieve pain and keep the eyes moist. 

Progressive retinal atrophy, or PRA, is a genetic disease that causes retinal cells to die slowly, making it impossible to see over time. A veterinary ophthalmologist can help find PRA early and slow its development by checking the eyes regularly.

The Bottom Line

When figuring out how long Maltese dogs live, it’s essential to understand their unique traits, genetic tendencies, and health requirements. Responsible breeding, regular medical care, good nutrition, enough exercise, and a loving home are some things that Maltese owners can do to improve their pets’ quality of life and make them live longer. 

When you care for your Maltese puppies for sale health and well-being, they will live a long, happy, and healthy life as loved family members. Giving these Maltese for sale the care and attention they need can bring you joy and company for many years.